

Osteoporosis is a disease that affects our bones. They become brittle and weak and are more likely to break. Hundreds of millions of people are not even aware of the fact that they have osteoporosis. This disease can occur in both men and women but it is more common in older women. The ratio of women in the United States that have osteoporosis is one in six. More than 60% of the women have this disease at some time in their lives. The troubling news is that it is only getting worse; it estimated to be 50-60% worse in the next 10 years.


The problem with this disease and the reasons for its widespread advancements stem from a lack of knowledge in both preventing and treating osteoporosis. Osteoporosis patients are treated because they have a lack of or are low in calcium. First of all, osteoporosis is not just due to a lack of calcium. To attempt to cure this disease with calcium supplements or dairy products without addressing the cause is a major part of the problem and potentially leads to additional problems.



This disease needs to be treated holistically. Osteoporosis, like many other diseases, doesn’t just stem from a lack of one vitamin or mineral it is much more complex. In order to get to the root of what is causing the disease, every patient must be treated accordingly. We must dig deeper to find the truth. Saying that we can take care of osteoporosis by consuming more calcium is only a very small fraction of what will cure this disease.



There may be problems with absorption, assimilation, the endocrine system, hormones and imbalanced nutrition, just to name a few factors. Holistically, we need to look at all possible causes and eliminate or avoid these obstacles. One common cause is alkaline imbalance in the diet. Many of the other causes include consumption of caffeine, sugar, alcohol, antibiotics and junk food. Stress and smoking are also large components that add to the acidity and lead to osteoporosis. Thyroid problems, women’s hormone problems, lack of exercise, people with smaller bones, and those with skin light in color are also to be factored as being at a higher risk.



Eating a diet that is rich in whole foods, whole grains, salmon, vegetables, especially leafy green vegetables, raw organic yogurt and kefir will assist in protecting yourself from osteoporosis. It is best to stay away from all stimulants. Check our endocrine system to be certain that everything is working properly. Find time to exercise regularly. These lifestyle changes will all greatly assist in fighting against osteoporosis and bring you steps closer toward your living to your best health.

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